Jazz Age

The Jazz age was in the era of 1920. It was given this name because of the new feeling, music, and style of life after WWI. The American people were feeling good about helping win the war. The emergence of hip new jazz brought about a fast pace life. Everyone was having a good time and new styles and dance were popping up every were.



Jazz influences

After the war about 500,000 African Americans came back looking for work. A lot moved to same neighborhoods. They used Jazz as their music. they brought along their African root rhythms and ways to influence jazz. Jazz was now faster and more hip being evolved in different ways in different area.

Jazz style

Jazz evolved styles for blacks and whites alike. Bringing everyone in the same places to dance and party. In Charleston, NC jazz produced a new dance called the Charleston. It was a fast paced popular dance. The Black- bottom a dance originated from New Orleans in Negro areas became popular as well. These dancing styles became popular across America and Europe in the 1920’s. There were also dances like the Turkey Trot, Bunny Hug, The Waltz, and The Baltimore buzz.


New style of life

The new era was great, especially for women. they no longer had to be the quite, baby making, stay at home moms. They were no longer confined to non attractive same clothes. They now had freedom to choose and express their style. The most known style for women was defined by the word “Flapper.” It was all styles modern for women. They now were wearing short dresses and showing off curves. Smoking with long cigarette holders and having short hair with make up.


Well- known jazz artist


Was a famous black jazz artist. he really transformed jazz at the time. He was from New Orleans and migrated up north during the twenties. he moved to New York for small jazz work until he became big. Songs like What a wonderful word and Baby its cold outside are still well known popular songs today.


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