Work Cited

15 02 2011


Works Cited

Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina. “Biography.” 4      Dec. 2003. USC. <>.


Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner Paperback Fiction


Compare and Contrast

15 02 2011

Tom Vs. Football Jersey

Tom is much like a Football Jersey in many respects.  Like a football jersey he may look good on the outside, but on the inside he is just another hollowed out person/jersey.  Tom doesn’t have many good morals and tends to focus his life on just worldly possessions like wealth, and fame.  Both Tom and Football Jerseys are see through,  Tom may try to cover up some of the things he does or what he thinks, but just like a Football Jersey anyone with eyes can see straight through him and his lies.

A Blog All About the 1920s

15 02 2011

In this blog you will find information on what life was like in the 1920s and what key events, like the Jazz Age and the Harlem Rennaisance were like, and also about controversial topics like Prohibition. In addition, you will get to know more about F. Scott Fitzgerald’s (writer of The Great Gatsby) life.