F . Scott Fitzgerald’s Life

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was born in St. Paul, Minnesota September 24, 1896.  When he was 15 he attended a Catholic prep school, where he met Father Sigourney Fay who encouraged Fitzgerald to follow his ambitions for achievement and glory.  Fitzgerald was later accepted into Princeton and their he wrote scripts and lyrics for the musics their, and was a contributor to magazines there.  In June 1918 Fitzgerald fell in love with eighteen-year- old named Zelda Sayre.  He hoped she would fall in love with Him if he sold enough books to be rich.  He was soon discharged into the war but it ended right before he was to be sent over.  When he came back to New York, he asked Zelda to marry him but she was unwilling since he had such a small salary.  But once Fitzgerald began to write in The Saturday Evening Post became popular by publishing This Side of Paradise, Zelda immediately married him.  In 1924 Fitzgerald wanted peace and tranquility and a break from his every day life so he went to France and wrote the book The Great Gatsby in this time.  His family stayed in Europe, went to America, and then went back to France for the next 7-8 years.  In 1931 the Fitzgerald’s came back to America and in 1932 Zelda suffered from a relapse from an older illness and in 1948 She perished at a fire in the Hospital she was staying at.  And in December 21, 1940 Fitzgerald died of a heart attack.  When he died Fitzgerald believed that he was failure, but by 1960 he had put himself among the top American Writers of the Decade.

Fitzgerald wrote the first draft of this book while he was in the army in 1917 and 1918.  After it published he became an instant celebrity, at the age of 23.

F. Scott Fitzgerald And  his Wife Zelda, who he tried to please indefinitely with his wealth.


Fitzgerald spent the summer and fall of 1924 writing The Great Gatsby.










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