A Love Poem From Gatsby

A Love Poem for My Sweet Daisy

BY: Mr. Gatsby

You are my one and only

If every girl in the world walked by me I would only have eyes for you

When you walk into the room

Your eyes shine

And you smile even brighter

You fill up the room with your joyfulness and loveliness

I could listen to you whisper sweet nothings into my ear all day long

And never once, even for a second find it annoying

My heart is on fire with love for you

It is like a raging fire in the hearth of my heart

Always warm

Always burning in love

I will love you always in the depth of my heart

Nothing can separate my love from you

No mountain is high enough

No ocean deep enough

No valley wide enough

I can’t sleep

I can’t think

I have only one thing on my mind that will never disappear

It’s you and it always will be.


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